Welcome to Kingsbridge Estuary u3a and to our website.
Originating in France in 1972, u3a began in the UK in 1982 and is an informal, not-for-profit association. Despite the ‘u’ in u3a originally standing for ‘university’, studying for qualifications plays no part in u3a. It’s about groups of people in their later years, whether retired or with leisure time to fill, sharing knowledge, skills, interests and experiences in a wide range of topics. ‘3a’ stands for Third Age (not old age!). Although the u3a Trust is a national organisation with more than 430,000 members in over 1000 local branches, each local branch is autonomous and independently run by its elected committee (see Contact) and members
On this website you will find listed:
• interest group activities which range from Cryptic Crosswords to Church Visits, Singing for Pleasure to Scrabble, Bird-Watching to Bowls, and a good many others (see Groups)
• a programme of interesting speakers to enhance our plenary social meetings on the 4th Friday of each month (see Events)
At £15 per annum you can join any number of groups as well as enjoying a talk from a wide number of guest speakers at our monthly meeting, together with a quarterly nationwide magazine ‘Third Age Matters’.
• details of planned visits to places of interest (see Events), together with other events and activities.
If you have arrived at this page through a redirection from Kingsbridge Estuary u3a's old website, you need to bookmark this page so you can navigate directly to it in the future. The redirection service will only operate for a few months.
Latest Posts and Notices
Latest Posts
- The Spring 2024 Newsletter
- Kingsbridge Estuary u3a new website is live
- A new Group, The Art Group, has been formed
- The Canasta Group now meets twice a month
- Kingsbridge Estuary u3a has a new website
There are no current notices