
Kingsbridge Estuary



The Executive Committee manages Kingsbridge Estuary u3a. It is the governing body and the Board of Trustees for the purposes of Charity Law (Kingsbridge Estuary u3a is a registered Charity.) The Committee is responsible for the strategy and policies of our u3a and deals with the administration, management and control of the affairs and property of our u3a

We are continually looking for new people to join the existing team. An evolving mix of experience and fresh ideas will keep our u3a thriving for years to come so we can continue to support all the great activities we offer our members. If you enjoy being a member of our u3a and think it is a worthwhile organisation, please consider joining the Committee or simply volunteering to help. Get in touch with any of the current Committee members if you would like more information. A particular need at the present time is for someone familiar with social media, and also someone with the technical know-how to deal with, for example, hybrid meetings using a combination of Zoom and face-to-face meetings.


PositionNameClick link to email
ChairmanNeil MartinChairman
SecretaryLiz HextSecretary
TreasurerMeryl SpencerTreasurer
Membership SecretaryLesley EvansMembership Secretary
Speaker SecretaryPaul RobertsSpeaker Secretary
Beacon AdministratorJoan PincombeBeacon Administrator
Newsletter EditorPeter BoltNewsletter Editor

Non-Committee volnteers

Group Coordinator: Peter Bolt, Groups Coordinator

Publicity Officer: Barbara Mclarty, Publicity Officer

Outings Manager: Tony Westlake, Outings Manager

Webmaster: Steve Dooley, Webmaster

  • To join Kingsbridge Estuary u3a, or to invite a friend to join, please download the Membership/Renewal Form on the WELCOME page and send it to the Membership Secretary .
  • If you would like to give a presentation to the members of Kingsbridge Estuary u3a at one of our forthcoming events, or know someone you can recommend to come and talk to our members, please contact our Speaker Secretary.
  • For more information about, or to join a particular interest or activity group, please follow the link to the group from the table on the GROUPS page and email the group contact.
  • If you are keen to start a new group, contact our Groups Coordinator .